This course presents and discusses the merits of non-traditional classroom pedagogies. These techniques of active and cooperative learning can be used to enhance traditional lectures facilitating increased student interest and participation. Examples in formative assessment, critical thinking, problem based learning, and peer evaluation are presented in this course. Participating faculty are asked to review and present opportunity for integration of non-traditional pedagogy into existing curriculum.
Learning Outcomes
● Create an awareness of Active Learning strategies for improved student engagement and learning in the classroom:
o collaboration and communication skills
o metacognitive awareness
o effective speaking and listening skills
o critical-thinking and problem-solving skills
● Provide tools and practices for integrating Active Learning and Flipping the Classroom into your curriculum
● Develop lessons that can be readily introduced within their classrooms
What Should I Know
Dave is an Instructor at Western Nevada College in Carson City. He holds numerous Cisco Career and Microsoft Certified Professional Certifications. He is a co-creator of the Content in Context course.