The CISE Pathways to Revitalized Undergraduate Education in Computing (CPATH) program, funded by the National Science Foundation, recognizes the growing importance of Computational Thinking in society. Computing concepts and methods equip us to reason at multiple levels of abstraction simultaneously, to think algorithmically and apply foundational mathematical concepts to solve complex problems, and to understand the dimensions and consequences of scale. Drawing deeply on computational concepts, methods, technologies and tools, Computational Thinking serves as a powerful strategy to more effectively design, understand and solve problems associated with complex systems in many aspects of modern life.

CT in IT Rubric FInal

The following scenarios were created to infuse CT learning opportunities into undergraduate computing education in a manner that can be replicated across a variety of institutions.


Hotel Front Desk
In this scenario, you have been hired as part of a consulting team to design a data center for the campus.

Network Design
In this scenario, you have been hired as part of a consulting team to design a data center for the campus.

Your Live Website
In this scenario, you have been hired on the web development team for Your Live Website and will be working on website maintenance for Hillside Restaurant.

Assect Database
In this scenario, you will work in a team to design and create a database to keep track of medical records for a small-town doctor’s office.

Green IT
In this scenario, you are a consultant assigned to the Community College and University IT Services Division. You will use killowatt meters to measure and analyze the amount of energy that the college is using.Resources

Outdated Sites
In this scenario, you have been hired by WebGuru Company as a web developer and will work in project teams to build websites.

program_designProgram Design
Coming Soon

quick_help_deskQuick Help Desk
You have been asked to join Quick-Help-Desk, Inc.’s database software development team to work on a help desk database management system focused on maintaining help desk records at Kippy College.

reward_fitness_appReward Fitness App
In this scenario, you have been hired as part of a consulting team to design and implement an application that that will reward college employees with cash for staying in good physical shape.

Security Presentation
Coming Soon

student_web_devStudent Web Dev
In this scenario, you will work in project teams to identify outdated websites and recommend, develop and present updates to the site(s).

team_jsTeam js
In this scenario, you will enhance your web development skills by assuming the role of intern in the website design group of Team JS..

web_designWeb Design
In this scenario, you will be designing a website that is related to your major, a hobby or a personal project.

web20Web 2.0
In this scenario, you will enhance your Web 2.0 technology skills by assuming the role of an intern for web development agency TeamWeb2.

Wireless Networking
In this scenario, you have been hired as part of a consulting team to design a wireless network for the campus.

Alice Story Telling
Alice Story Telling
In this scenario, you will create a storyboard and use animation to tell a story.

App Inventor
In this scenario, you will enhance your app development skills by assuming the role of consultant to BATEC Consulting Group.

Ethical Hacking
In this scenario, you have been hired to research the subject of social engineering and hacking techniques. You will write an ethical analysis of your findings.